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Hosting & Maintenance

Website Hosting & maintenance

to keep you updated, secured & backed up.

Hosting and maintenance is such a crucial component to a websites overall performance and longevity. Websites are never a set and forget kind of thing. Unfortunately, software and third party plugins are constantly updating and your website is required to stay up to date to avoid potential holes and areas for cyber security attacks.

We’re sure that the last thing you want is to pay for a new website build and then find out in 3-4 months time that the contact form settings have not been updated and your clients cannot submit their enquiries? It is for this exact reason that we have introduced our hosting and maintenance plans.

When hosting your website with Newy Design Co, you are signing up to a verified and fast Sydney based server ensuring your Australian visitors receive fast and consistent viewing of your website. Not only are our servers great, but our team is great! We currently average a 1-2hr response time with the majority of our support tickets being resolved within 48hrs.

Don’t take the risk of having your website hacked or allowing it to crash due to missed updates or broken code.

Why is website hosting
and maintenance required?

Whilst you do have the option to purchase just a hosting plan through alternative providers, we do not currently offer hosting only options on our server. We recommend a website, whether it is a web design project we have done or an existing website built by someone else, that it is updated, backed up and security protocols are put in place to prevent any issues from potentially crashing your site.

Web security has become extremely crucial with the amount of websites that are requiring logins, contact form submissions and online payments. It is for this reason that it is so important that you do not leave any holes or potential weak points on your website for hackers to gain access.

Our hosting and maintenance plans offer premium security features, daily updates and weekly backups to ensure you are well and truly on top of the game in terms of keeping your website secure.

If your new web design project or existing website is hosted with Newy Design Co, you can rest assured that it is ticking all the boxes and in the worst case scenario, we will have you back up and running within a matter of hours.